If you’re looking for the Classical reading section, you’re in the wrong aisle. Chuck’s writing style is unapologetically, politically incorrect rantings at their finest, also to be described as “in your face kind of fun.”

WARNING: If you are overly sensitive or lost your sense of humor in a card game, this may not be the reading for you. It was once described as a “literal travesty, but the funniest shit that he has ever read.” A cross between Peter Pan, Captain Tony, and Ernest Hemmingway all rolled up in one.

Peruse if your dare.  Side effects may include smirking, giggling, laughing, and peeing your pants.

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Adventures in Boating

Adventures in boating is exactly what it sounds like. This book is Factual in nature and shows that common sense is uncommon, especially when you add salt water to the equation.

Some of the names have been changed to protect the Morons that may be still walking among us if mother nature has not already taken them out. This writing is a conglomeration of stories that are unbelievable but true. Most if not all of the events probably could have been prevented with a pinch of adult supervision. Not for people whom are offended easily. Laugh out loud humor.

Adult language…hell in a couple of the stories one can see some of these characters saying “Hey, hold my beer.” It is this kind of humor that will keep you turning the pages.

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Letters From the Sandbox

As the saying goes, “I’ve been around the world twice, talked to everyone once. I’ve been beat up, blown up and stabbed, shot at and missed, Shit at and hit.” The good news is that I’m still here to tell the tale, and if I don’t say so myself, it is amusing as hell. Or as my readers say “Politically incorrect & laugh out loud funny.”

This book is view of the Iraq war that not many normal civilians get to see. So if you lost your personality in card game, you’re really thin skinned or easily offended.


This book is a compilation of emails that were written and sent off to friends and family while the author was working in Iraq as a security contractor from 2003 -2006.

From the onslaught of positive responses from everyone encouraged him to continue sending the accounts of his daily life & activities in the sand box in the form of emails, letters & stories. This is how this book came into reality. War time humor, if such a thing even exists.

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Corset Chronicles: Tails from A Key West Strip Club

Adult humor at its finest. A window into the life of a strip club manager, and the lives and antics of some of the strippers that have worked for him.

These are true Stories of actual events that have taken place in a Key West adult entertainment nightclub. This is the real definition of where the weird turn pro. Managing strippers is like herding cats or nailing Jell-O to a tree…then you add the customers!

This ranting is filled with profanity, stupidity, drunken debauchery, some photographic evidence of a few of the key players in action with very little left to the imagination and copious amounts of stripper drama. Not for the faint of heart or easily offended.

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Key West Iguana Killers Club Cook Book: The Official Sportsman’s Guide to Iguana Hunting in Key West and South Florida

The pages in this book contain two of the most controversial solutions to a what I see as a manmade problem in South Florida and the Florida Keys. The introduction by humans via the pet trade of non indigenous invasive species to an eco-system that is unprepared for it. This particular species if left unchecked has the potential to explode to epidemic proportions which could cause the extinction of several indigenous plants and animals that have thrived here for thousands of years. This a beginners guide to the sport of small game hunting and also a cook book which advises using iguanas as a viable food source.